Friday, January 14, 2011

RE: What is emo/scene

Earlier this week I came across Lhadze's blog on her views on what being emo/scene really is. In her post she says,
"Most real scene kids wear Gloomy Bear, Hello Kitty, Invader Grim, Metal band shirts. They wear anything from skirts, shorts and fishnets to skinnes or just leggings ripped....Cause all you people who say "I'm Scene" your all posers. Scene kids have the hair. Yes you heard me. The crazy hair. teased, dyed, curly on the bottom.  Bows, flowers, anythign you want as  long it represents you! I mean go with the craziness...We don't care what people think."
So, I don't mean this in a bad way AT ALL, but honestly I think this whole battle on who's really scene and who's not is getting kinda old. I mean I don't think it's really that big of a deal if someone wants to be scene. Lhadze writes in her post some, what seem like guidelines on how to be scene. It's really cool how she can feel so comfortable with herself to have this kind of style and not care what people say about the way she looks, but I don't think it's that serious if someone else wants to be scene too.

I can understand if someone is constantly copying everything you do, that would annoy me too, but I don't think it's right to just automatically say that everyone who says "I'm Scene", is a poser. I mean in that case someone else can just come along and say you're a poser.

It's just my opinion, but I think that people should just care about what they do and not what someone else is... unless they're biting off of certain specific things you do. However, if someone wants to dress or do their hair a certain way, I say just let them be. In a few years you'll realize getting so worked up about it is just a bit silly.

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