Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ACTUAL FINAL DRAFT -Response to Melissa & Yen's Pro legal abortion debate

I agree with Melissa and Yen's arguement that abortion should be legal. In their rebuttle they state that :

... abortion cannot be called murder because a fetus is not yet an infant until born....Having an abortion is a mothers choice. They should be able to decide the options in which can benefit the incoming child
I think that one reason why some people are so against abortion is because they feel like it is "murder" to a child. This is especially the case with those that are religious. However, people's religious views should not tie in with the law. Just because one person feels a certain way doesn't mean they speak for everyone. Also, abortion actually isn't even murder. The actual definition of an abortion is to terminate a pregnancy, not a baby. Doing this is just stopping a baby from forming inside a woman's body, not killing anything that has already began to grow or develop. Another reason why some people may think that abortion should be illegal is because they feel it is unsafe for the woman. However, many more woman die from giving birth than from getting an abortion.

In addition, abortion should be legal because some parents may not be fit to raise or take care of a child either emotionally or financially. For example, when a teenage girl gets pregnant, she is most likely not in a position to be taking care of a baby. She is either still in school or is just finishing which means she has no sense of what she is going to do for financial income in order to support another human being let alone herself. Also, sometimes when a woman gets pregnant she may not recieve support from her partner and will end up having to raise the child on her own which will most likely be very difficult. If her boyfriend or partner has the choice to leave her she should be able to decide if she wants to terminate the pregnacy both for her sake and for the child's. It is very difficult for a child to grow up in a family that is not financially stable or does not have both parents present in their life.

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