Friday, September 24, 2010

RE: I Hate Thieves by Rokhsor Yusufi

I really didn't know what to write about, but after reading through a few of my classmates blog posts I decided to do my first response of this week from Rokhsor's blog. In her post, she states :
I put it this way when people steal. No matter how rich or cool you are, when you steal; you seem like you are not even worth a penny or a second of anyone’s time. Having something stolen is the worst feeling ever...
I agree with Rokshor when she says that it doesn't feel good at all to have something stolen from you. I have experienced this happen to me and some of my friends. At my old school there was this girl and well, let's just say that she had sticky fingers. Pretty much everybody knew that she was stealing from people but it was kind of hard for anyone to prove it because either no one actually saw her in the act while stealing, or nobody wanted to let a teacher know and be called a "snitch". Anyways, either last year or when I was in seventh grade, i was in the gym at school with the whole grade because we were playing some game against each other. We had to leave our backpacks up in the bleachers and, unfortunately there weren't any teachers up there watching people's bags because they were busy monitoring the students playing the game. So, sometime during when i was playing with my classmates somebody went into my bag and stole twenty dollars from my backpack. I was really upset when this happened because it made me feel like i couldn't trust anyone at my school. Also, one of my friends from last year had his iPod stolen from his backpack at our school in the same gym. Students suspected this girl of stealing it but there was no way to actually prove that she was the thief and everybody knew that she would most likely deny the fact that she took it.

Fortunately, this girl who was stealing supposedly got caught taking something from the office. However, she was only suspended for a couple of days out of the week. I'm not sure if this was actually true but it sounded like a true story to me. I know that this particular student had a pretty close relationship with the principle and other people and teachers who worked in the office so i don't know if they let her off easy, but in my opinion i think she should have been punished a lot harder than that.

Stealing is a horrible thing to do to somebody. Just because they may have something that you want it is not, by any means okay for you to take it from them. Either they themselves or somebody else close to them may have worked hard to get that from them and you are taking it away by doing something totally unfair. So, my main point is that stealing is both not right and unfair and should never be done.

1 comment:

  1. The world would be a nicer place, certainly, if we all learned how to follow the golden rule. I've had stuff stolen on several occasions, and what bugs me is not the loss of STUFF (stuff always comes and goes) but the violation that somebody figured they could just mess around in my life that way...know what I mean?

    Anyways, the thing that gets me about this is the "not wanting to be a snitch" part. I can dig that, and believe me I've heard tons of students say that before, but wouldn't we have a more theft-free environment if we were willing to stand up and call people out when we knew they'd done wrong? I dunno....It's a tricky one.
