Monday, September 13, 2010

Disney Channel: A path to failure

      So, I was thinking and i realized that out of pretty much all of the actors and actresses that started on Disney Channel there are very few of them that actually have a good, continuing acting career. When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs. I guess my point in writing this is to state my opinion that most acting careers that start on TV stations like the Disney Channel don't tend to last too long.
      Also, from what I've seen from watching TV, once you've been on the Disney Channel or some other teeny bopper TV channel it seems like it is very hard to break away from the little kid image that you begin with. For example, Miley Cyrus started acting in Hannah Montana when she was about only 13 or 14. Now, I think she is almost 18 and is trying to perform for a different aged group audience. In my opinion, I think that their are plenty other performers with much more talent than this girl that puts on a wig and goes undercover as a pop star but, I do think that people shouldn't freak out on her for trying to grow up and perform for people closer to her age. If you were almost about to be an adult I doubt that you would want to continue singing songs about ice cream for 10 year olds.What she did in her latest music video wasn't nearly as bad as what some other artists are doing these days.
      If you really think about it, you never hear anything anymore about Raven, Hilary Duff, those twin brothers that live in a hotel, or the kids who were in that show Phil of the Future. The only one Disney Channel star that actually had a really successful career is Shai Labuff. His first real acting career was in that show Even Stevens when he was about 12 or 13. Now, he has unexpectedly starred in many good movies and has become a well - respected actor. Although he has progressed in his acting career and has achieved many great things in his career, he is the rare exception out of many.
      If you ask me, if you are looking to start your performing career, you should not start on a teeny bopper station. It seems like the only thing it'll help you do is have a one hit wonder.


  1. This post is getting a lot of attention. ;) I like it, too...what's freaking me out these days is Will Smith's kids...they start 'em younger and younger into these "cycles of celebrity." How old is this poor "whip my hair" kid? NINE or something?! Something seems wrong about that to me. Is she really making these big "career" choices for herself at such a young age, or is she getting pushed?

  2. I noticed you used the phrase "teeny boppers" and really thought that funny because a substitute teacher at my school last year called us all teeny boppers and we all thought it was hilarious.

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