Friday, September 24, 2010

On Monday night i was watching this show on MTV called The World of Jenks. It's about this guy who goes around different parts of the country and stays a few days with many different people to learn more about their life and where they come from. This week, Andrew Jenks goes to San Francisco to visit a homeless women and lives with her in the streets. Normally when I see homeless people on the street  I automatically judge them and assume that they are on some kind of drug or are addicted to alcohol. Even though this is commonly true, it isn't always true and I really shouldn't judge people just because of a stereotype given to them.
In this episode Jenks learns about how and why this women is living on the street. Her family actually has a house in Oregon but Daniell has been homeless since she was 13 years old. I'm not sure if she ever did do drugs or not but i completely understand why she decided to leave her parents house at such an early age. She said that one time she went back home to visit her mom and step-dad but when she got there, they were both intoxicated. For some reason her step father pinned her up against the wall and started yelling and saying really hurtful, disrespectful things to her. So, out of anger Daniell threatened that if she couldn't leave their house and if things weren't going to get better, she would kill herself. She said that her step dad then let her go, came back with a box cutter, handed it to her and said, "Well fine, go ahead and kill yourself". This was really shocking and upsetting for me to hear because i just could not imagine anyone saying than to someone else, especially to someone who was or was somewhat one if their family members.
After watching this it made me think that i should think twice before i immediately judge someone and where they come from no matter who they are. I usually just think that all homeless people are living on the streets because they became drug addicts and were to lazy to do anything with their lives but now I realize that some of them actually had to leave their homes because it was unsafe for them. I think that both I and other people should stop before they immediately judge other people that they don't know.

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