Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflective Essay Final

This year I have been blogging about a variety of different topics such as book reviews, small vignettes, and many classmate response posts as well as random free writes.  The free writes and classmates’ posts have helped my learn to blog about my own opinion  and helped show me that not all writing is boring. It makes me like having a blog  since I am normally used to the essays we write in class with structured topics and guidelines we have to follow. Bloggjng has made me appreciate writing a bit more.

Writing response posts to my classmates’ blogs helps me become a better thinker because it is a chance for me to review a topic and think about it in my own opinion. For example, mainly at the beginning of the year there were a couple of topics that got a lot of attention. These were good because people were able to state their own opinions on the topic and they could be compared to other peoples' responses and the original post. It was pretty much like online debating. There were a couple of these types of posts this year; one of them were about the topic on what it really means to be "emo" or "scene". A lot of people seemed interested in this topic and I think it was interesting in a good way for people to state their own opinions on the debate. It was a good opportunity for people to think about their own opinions and respond to others. Writing this blog has also helped me become a better writer, especially in the posts where we had to talk about current books we were reading in class. Writing these posts have also helped me become a better reader as well. This is because since we had to use quotes from the books as evidence for whatever point we were trying to prove, it made me read more closely and helped me learn how to analyze books and pay more attention for underlying meanings and messages. This tactic also helped me become a better writer because it helped me learn how to use evidence and quotations to prove my points and ideas.

    I like having a blog, mainly when we were able to do free topic posts and did not have to follow any guidelines. It was a good way to get out random ideas or feelings out by writing about them. Also, having a blog has made me think differently about writing in general. Usually I do not like writing because I don't like the whole process of going through three drafts with edits and changing parts. However, having this blog made me see that writing doesn't always have to be tedious and boring. When I was able to write about whatever topic I wanted to and respond to who ever's blog I wanted to, it made me realize that writing can be okay when you aren't restricted my rules of an assignment. Having this blog has also somewhat taught me about the way I can think about things. For example, when I respond to someone else's blog, I could either agree with what they are writing about or not. Sometimes the topics are very small and not very meaningful, but they can still bring up ideas in my head and give me a new way at looking at certain things. Other times the topic could be something very important that I can give my opinion and thoughts on. Blogging has changed the way I write in a way because when I would do free topic posts or response posts I didn't seem to worry as much about how my tone of voice sounded like I normally would if I was writing an essay. I liked this because I didn't feel stressed out or anything about sounding “professional” or not. All in all, blogging has made me realize writing isn't always boring, made me think about things differently, and helped me feel less restricted about my writing.

    As I mentioned before, writing on a blog is very different from the structured writing that is normally required in school. Usually when there is a writing assignment given in class there are a large set of guidelines that need to be followed in order to get a good grade. This sort of structured writing is good for practicing the more difficult types of writing we will have to do in college, but it can sometimes be very unpleasant and makes me not like writing. However, when we have blog assignments that are not book reviews or other strict writing assignments, it makes writing not as bad as I normally feel about it. When I am able to freely choose pretty much whatever I want to write about, it is not as hard for me to come up with ideas as it is sometimes when I have a guided writing assignment in most of my classes. Also, the rule that we have to use a quote from one of our peers' blogs when we are doing a response post has been good practice for writing this year. This year in many classes when we have an essay to write it is normally a requirement for the paper to use commentary details and then respond with commentary. This has been something we used in all of our response posts and book reviews throughout the year on our blogs and it is good practice for other classes as well.

    For next year, some goals I have are to blog more. Maybe not necessarily on this blog, but I would continue to do this because it is a good way to practice and become a better writer with out feeling like you are restricted. I also want to work on my tone and the way i sound when I am writing as a goal for next quarter/ year. I will try to continue blogging even if I am not in your class anymore


  1. I appreciate a lot of the insights into your own writing that you've put here...You approach it from a number of different angles and some of what you're expressing here jumps out to me so much that I figured I oughta quote ya:


    However, there's one thing troubling me: why no quotes from your own work, or links to the posts you're talking about!?!

    Have a great summer and I hope I'll see you writing here in the future...

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