Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Wish It was Christmas Time

I really wish that it was Christmas time. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year because I just really like the atmosphere of everything.

The weather may not be what some people perfer, but I actually like the chilly temperature during winter time. In my opinion, I'd rather be cold than hot because when it blazing outside you just get all sweaty and gross and  there isn't much you can do about it. When it's cold you may have to wear a lot of layers, but at least you don't feel dirty. Anyways, the weather during Christmas makes me think of sitting in a coffee shop, with a sweater and scarf, with a cup of hot chocolate. It's just so relaxing and calming, especially when we're on break and don't have to go to school.

I also enjoy going downtown in San Francisco during Christmas time because there are so many people shopping there with their friends and family. There are also a lot of sales in stores and it's always fun to go shopping with your friends. I enjoy going to Union Square with friends as well because Macy's puts up a huge Christmas tree and a couple of weeks after they put it up they light it up at night. It may not sound that exciting, but it's just fun to be there with friends and people who are close to you. They also have puppies and kittens in their windows for adoption. I presonally don't agree with trapping animals in windows, but they are cute to look at.

It's also nice when you turn on the radio and they have holiday music playing, and even though you've heard these songs a million times from the years before, you don't seem to get sick of them. Christmas day is a highly anticipated event and I am always counting down the days of December until the 25th comes. I'm not going to lie, I do look foward to the acquisition of what was put under the Christmas tree the night before, but I also really look foward to getting to spend this day with my family. I have a lot of cousins and a very big family, but I only have one cousin who is pretty much the same age as me. However, her and her parents live all the way in Hawaii so there are only a few times out of the year when she comes to California to visit the rest of us. Christmas is one of the times where they come to visit, hence a reason why I look foward to vistiting my family. When we all come together we eat dinner, catch up, and hand out presents to one another. I always have fun when I'm with my family.

There is so much waiting and anticipation for Christmas day to come. There's so much preperation and shopping that goes into this one day and before you know it, it's over. This is pretty much the only thing I don't like about this time of the year. I always feel sad when Christmas day is over, but i know it will eventually come again.

These are just a few reasons why I wish it was christmas time. I really can't wait even though it isn't Haloween yet, but I know that soon enough it'll be here... and be gone just as quick.


  1. Hey, I responded to your post.

  2. I responded to your post!

  3. I responded to ur awesome post
